The Impact Hub Impact Hubs make up a global network of people, places, and programs that inspire, connect and catalyze impact. Part innovation lab, part business incubator, and part community center, we offer our members a unique ecosystem of resources, inspiration,...
2 months – 90 hours of workshops – 300+ participants Impact Hub Athens in collaboration with TechSoup Europe & SAP built a dynamic network of partners with more than 25 organizations across Greece & Cyprus for empowering & including youngsters...
When was the company founded and what is its activity? Contentativa was founded in December 2019 How did the idea for its creation come about and what is its social contribution? The team that created Contentativa, we had collaborated in the past in various ways,...
An online gathering tasting like “espresso” The evolution of technology, the pandemic and the existence of diverse communities, viewpoints & incentives impose bold challenges to the sustainability, resiliency and accessibility of modern urban centres...
We are pioneering a new movement in charity that provides emergency aid and long term solutions where they are most needed. At Choose Love, we believe funding should go straight to the people who need it. That’s why we make sure that 89% of your donation goes straight...