Ithaca was founded in 2015 and operates the first mobile washing machine for the homeless population in Greece and Europe. Ithaca aims to reduce the social exclusion of the homeless population by operating in two different pillars.

The first pillar aims to regain the dignity and self-confidence of the homeless population through the provision of health services and the consequent improvement of their living conditions.The second pillar is related to the creation and offering of jobs to people from vulnerable social groups with the aim of their full employment and social reintegration.

Ithaca was founded in 2015 by three students, who seeing a similar action in Australia, decided to create the first mobile washing machine for the homeless in Greece and Europe.

This idea became a reality on April 5, 2016, when the Ithaca mobile washing machine was launched for the first time on the streets of Athens. In 4 years of operation in the field, Ithaca has managed to carry out 16,000 washes delivering 80,000 kilos of clothes to 7,300 new beneficiaries. In addition, since 2017, 7 people from vulnerable groups have been employed in the organization.

The Ithaca team consists of the board of directors, the employees in the office, the employees in the field of operation of the organization as well as the volunteers.

We decided to become a member of the Impact Hub community as it is a place full of beautiful initiatives and different people with vision and creative ideas.

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