About SkillShare events Members of Impact Hub Athens community & team share their knowledge & skills in short sessions on a monthly basis! Skill exchange, networking, and inspiration take place among the members of the Impact Hub Athens community during...
About the Open table format: A fun and productive format which combines tasting and testing? Say hello to Open Table! In our first edition, on 21st of February, 13.30-14.30, we will gather around 2 intimate circles, enjoy our sustainable community lunch & we will...
About the Demo Day events: A pitching event, during which social entrepreneurs, NGOs, and numerous promising startups have the opportunity to showcase their ideas/projects and connect with impact investors & industry leaders. Simultaneously, they leverage the...
About the speed dating events: Cultivating an ecosystem for innovation requires knowledge transfer and exchange and bringing together unlikely allies. Through a series of short 1-1 sessions, we match experts with accomplished entrepreneurs/ventures, in order for the...