About SkillShare events

Members of Impact Hub Athens community & team share their knowledge & skills in short sessions on a monthly basis! Skill exchange, networking, and inspiration take place among the members of the Impact Hub Athens community during curated sessions! Accompanied by cake and coffee (or tea), we open our physical & digital doors and invite you to engaging presentations with educational elements.


February ‘s SkillShare

🌐 AI on leadership and workplace transformation

On the 20th of February, at 18.00, in our physical space, we will host Martha Giannakoudi, from Synnous! In her presentation, Martha Giannakoudi, an HR expert with AI Focus on leadership and workplace transformation,  connects the rapid development of AI technologies with the demands of management and personal development. She highlights how leaders can empower and encourage employees to improve their work processes and develop new business models.

With her background as HR head at the STARTPLATZ accelerator and partner at their AI Hub, Martha provides valuable insights into AI and leadership, as well as best practices for AI in the HR sector. Her presentation focuses on the necessary organizational and personal development to keep pace with technological advancements.


▶️ Join us for an interactive workshop on a step by step approach.


🔗 Book your spot here!

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