About the Skillshare events:

Skill exchange, networking, and inspiration take place among the members of Impact Hub Athens during curated sessions! Accompanied by cake and coffee (or tea), we open our doors and invite you to engaging presentations with educational elements. 

November Skillshare event: How to explore new markets? Building our 5 step roadmap!

The November Skillshare event will take place on the 28th of November, 17.00-18.15, digitally. It will be dedicated to exploring the first 5 steps of sensing a new market & it is addressed to teams & ventures that would like to design or improve their market research procedures, regardless of their sector. 

Our dearest Giannis Efthymiou, Product Manager at Sympower, will share with us the story of the company’s journey entering the Greek Market. 

  • How did they start their market analysis? 
  • Which were the key elements to actually sense the market? 
  • How did they identify their key stakeholders & how did they manage to collaborate with them?

After a 30 min presentation of the Sympower case, we will open a Q&A session. Feel free to bring your own relevant to the topic challenges, so that we can have the chance to co-create solutions, leveraging the expertise of our Impact Hub Athens community members.

Book your spot, by filling in the application form here 

A few words about  Sympower

Sympower has become the first independent aggregator to go live in Greece’s balancing markets after securing 37MW of capacity with multiple international businesses within the industrial sector, placing the company at the forefront of the market. 

With the opening of Greece’s balancing markets, businesses across the country can now save on their energy costs during a time of uncertain energy prices. As an aggregator, Sympower pools the energy flexibility of these businesses and offers it via balancing markets. Not only does this ensure a more stable grid, it creates new revenue streams for Greek businesses to capitalize on. 

🔗 Book your spot here

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