Social Challenges Innovation Platform Launches the Second Open Call for Solutions! Social Challenges Innovation Platform is the first European online ecosystem aiming to solve real social challenges! The first open call for solutions was successfully closed in...
We’re thrilled to announce the winners of the 2017 European Social Innovation Competition! Chosen from a total of nearly 800 entries from more than 40 countries, the projects were each awarded €50,000 at the Awards Ceremony in Brussels on 26 October. Our brilliant...
Over the past two months, Impact Hub Athens has been buzzing every weekend with young people who learned who how to code, design websites, develop mobile apps and experiment with 3D printing and robotics in a series of fun and creative seminars. Since May 2017, teams...
Born in Afghanistan, Arash Hemati studied Informatics and Telematics at Harokopio University, in Athens, Greece where he is currently completing his master’s degree in Advanced Information Systems in Business. He has served as an interpreter and has assisted in...
The mission of Dogs’ Voice is to effectively address stray animals’ population and management in Greece. We have designed a full service offered to local municipalities that provides holistic and realistic solutions to the problem by bringing together all available...