Over a while ago, here at Impact Hub Athens we hosted a two-day scaling lab. Five experts from the global Impact Hub network visited Athens to work with our 8 scalers on two intensive workshops and a series of meetings with mentors. Investment Readiness and Impact Measurement were the key subjects of the Lab’s agenda while we had the chance to gain some great insights in Impact Investment and Social Impact stories.
In between workshops, sessions and meetings, we also had the chance to chat with one of the lab’s special guests, Dr. Werner Binnenstein–Bachstein, from Impact Hub Vienna. Werner currently works with Porticus Foundation, is the vice-president of Superar and a mentor of the Investment Ready programme. He is also one of the people who inspired and worked towards the opening of the world famous Magdas Hotel in Vienna -a social business run by refugees- and has years of valuable experience working for Caritas Vienna.
Start locally, prove your concept is working but always have a bigger vision; think globally and build bridges.
#ImpactHubScaling #HumansOfImpacHub