Over the past two months, Impact Hub Athens has been buzzing every weekend with young people who learned who how to code, design websites, develop mobile apps and experiment with 3D printing and robotics in a series of fun and creative seminars. Since May 2017, teams of young girls and boys from Greek and refugee communities have been learning digital and tech skills such as programming, robotics and 3D printing in Athens, organized by co{de}+create. The workshops were co-created by Finnish and Greek education specialists: www.gfoss.eu and www.kirkonulkomaanapu.fi/en.

Greek youth and newcomers in Greece had the chance to learn together how to code, design websites and games, develop apps and experiment with 3D printing & robotics. With an emphasis on interactive and collaborative learning, Impact Hub Athens became an inspiring space for youth aged 15-18, to meet and learn together skills that are vital in today’s digitalised world – using open source software with the latest technology. No previous experience with coding/computer programming was necessary, just a desire to learn!

“In the courses we use two global languages #Python & #English – both Greek students and newcomers in Greece are very motivated to learn” says teacher Michalis.


co{de}+create serves as a platform for social integration, promotes creative thinking and facilitates access to higher level studies and job skills. All software, learning content and curriculum used in the trainings is open source and available online on Moodle.